cyber fun
Indoor and outdoor
*Open all year*
Have FUN delivered to your home like ordering pizza.
or come directly on our land to the "tree climbing" of sainte maxime.
Better than movies or video games,
directly embody the hero who is in you.
Mix : Tactical - Strategy - Action
Eliminate your opponents without causing pain , the hardware is electronic.
Even more realistic than paintball and closer to airsoft.
The shots are instantaneous and recorded on a computer.
There is no catch in the wind of the log and it is non-polluting .
A good way to combine sport, fun games, entertainment and entertainment.
On our land (at the Parc Aventure Famille Accrobranche de Sainte Maxime ), at home (garden, park, hill ...), in your company (hangar, department, storage, parking, office ...)
A laser game / archery game and animation specialist at your doorstep.
*** Wherever you want and when you want ***
Why and when?
Birthday parties, school celebrations, fairs, family events, weddings, fairs, exhibitions, youth structures, student events, works councils, Christmas trees, events sports, nature bases, youth centers and many more ...
* Reservation recommended *